the rohn report
the rohn report
enter the dragons

enter the dragons


There was a time not too long ago when I thought I wanted to be a nomad and travel around in my van. Van life. I bought a van and started equipping it to live in while I traveled around in my nomadic life.

Now I’m driving a Prius, a city car, and the van is for sale. The thought of traveling around in a van seems really awkward and arduous to me now. Of course if I had a fully equipped van with all the amenities that I’m used to living in a house, it might be plausible but my van was far from that. Everything would have been a chore, from cooking to using the bathroom to finding a wifi signal and everything in between.

And why would I want to go somewhere and what would I do there? That became the essential question. I would look for a cafe and hang out. I would ride my bike around and discover stuff. Exactly what I do here. Hah.

So I seem to be a city dweller, dug in, rooted as they say. My roots go deep and far, living in this city since the seventies. I’ve already found a home, no need to go looking for one. I’ve created my persona here. These are my people. They know me, for better or worse.

So therefore, kind readers (and listeners), as I lay on the dragon rug doing my exercises, rolling around on my back, stretching my arms and flexing my shoulders, finding every sore spot (and there are quite a few), I realize that everything is an adventure and a challenge if I can see it that way. Right here in my little cabin in my little neighborhood. Love is available from many different sources, if I can feel it. Everything that I need to be happy is possible right here, including occasional travel to other climes, other cities and terrains, other vistas. I’m thinking specifically of the ocean right now which I haven’t been around in a long long time.

So that was my epiphany rolling around on the dragon rug. I thought you might like to hear it. I definitely needed to share it.

Maybe I am just the feeder of cats and the keeper of the castle. Someone who sweeps the ashram floor and keeps it open for whoever might come by. Maybe my challenge is to be healthy and regain my strength that has been so degraded the last couple of years. These are the thoughts that I’m processing in my head. Must be those dragons, imparting their wisdom.

They do have their long stringy mustaches and their magic balls. They certainly seem to be imparting something. Must be wisdom. And their toothy smiles with their tongues sticking out. Must mean something special.

In fact I just now remembered my aspiration from back in the seventies: just be happy. That was clearly the highest goal, beyond getting a degree, beyond getting married and having a family, beyond getting a good job and moving up the scale - all things I never did.

I was in my early twenties and I could have gone in any direction but I chose to live a simple life and just try to find true happiness. Isn’t that what it’s all about? I think so because that’s still my aspiration. Infact it’s all of our’s aspiration. If you look within the deepest, most real part of yourself you will find the simple childlike aspiration to be happy. It’s in everybody. An amazing commonality that we should acknowledge more. In my humble opinion.

Dragons from the East (China) are friendly, bringing prosperity and good luck. Well maybe not ‘friendly’ but propitious. Dragons from the West are dangerous, ominous, destructive. See the Nordic myth of Fafnir, the greedy dragon who killed his father and sat upon his hoard of gold. My dragons seem to be a little bit of both. I appreciate their wisdom and am in awe of their power.

They can transform themselves and others. They have magical powers. They can burn you up with one puff of breath. They can fly, go underwater, under the earth. I imagined that as a little boy even before I knew about dragons. Wouldn’t that be neat? Something humans still aspire for. Ships and submarines and airplanes and tunnels.

So anyways, yes, I’m looking to my dragons for transformation and power. For the key to unlock the hidden treasure, the wisdom, the good stuff. We all are looking for that, it seems to me. We wouldn’t be looking for it if it wasn’t there.

Watch out. Be careful. Go for it.

podcast music :: 00:00-13:00

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