So I’m supposed to select 6 poems for Mega Corazon in April, one for kids, plus one by a poet I admire, that’s seven poems, and perform them in the Urban 15 studios. Wow.
I’m editing my book manuscript with an editor, well a friend, well she’s pretty smart. I may release it online one day if we can figure it out. Forget the publishers, I could never figure them out.
My literary career is zooming. Maybe I’ll be famous one day and then wish this never happened to me. Ha ha.
The rohn report, where I spend most of my creative energy is growing, slowly, like a little weed at the side of the road, mostly in gravel. It’s kind of a gravely thing, mostly quips and gripes and sermons.
I’ve been soundtracking the podcasts for the last few months with music I find on Youtube. DJ’s like Cafe de Anatolia and Blume and Fabbro and Seven Beats Music. Discovering new kinds of music like Deep House and Trip Hop and Ethno Chill (the previous post). I don’t know if I’m supposed to pay the artists or the producers but I credit them. Feels like a collaboration to me. And I’m having alot of fun.
This song is from Movement Of Sounds, it’s called ‘Destiny’. Thievery Corporation style reggae. 00:00-5:37
See what I mean? no compromise The music is powerful. She’s saying hear your voices deep inside / it’s your own / you cannot hide.
Truth speaking.
follow them / and take a rest / let your soul / be your guide / destiny / a place to be / destiny / for you and me
I think it’s great. It blows my mind. The rhythm and the melody and the beat and the words. I guess that’s called music and it touches me in a profound and lovely way. for you and me
I get on my bike and ride. Destination downtown. Along Broadway. Illusion is playing on the ear buds, also by Movement Of Sounds and I’m sailing on. the city is calling
I pass the overpass. I cross the bridge.
Powerful, evocative, transformative.
The city is rolling by. Or I am rolling by the city. It’s relative.
living in illusion / no solution / living in illusion / only pollution / living in illusion / no we can’t / living in illusion / run run run
Ride, ride, ride.
Downtown there are ducks by the water.
And a couple getting married.
And then I ride home. Up Broadway. Leaving the city. The magic vibes.
music from Movement Of Sounds and Seven Beats Music ::
- Destiny 00:00
- Illusion 27:33
to be or not to be
your question
you ask to me
look around
and feel free
the answer
is easy to see
hear your voices
deep inside
it’s your own
you cannot hide
follow them
and take a rest
let your soul
be your guide
a place to be
for you and me
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