the rohn report
the rohn report
my cat can speak in english words

my cat can speak in english words


I know it sounds unbelievable. One time I opened the back door to let her in and I distinctly heard her say “ankyoo ” in her meowy voice. I mean she could have come in the cat door but she wanted me to open it for her.

Another time, just a few weeks ago, I was sitting in my meditation chair on the front porch having my quiet time and Kybo was meowing around looking for strokes. Her voice had a pleading tone in it as if to say “Why can’t you give me strokes?” I said “Because I’m meditating.” “Okay” she said in her kind of high pitched squeaky voice and became quiet.

The sound of the word and the synchronicity of the event were convincing. I mean she had never said “okay” before but now in response to my reply she comes up with “okay” in her cat voice. I mean they do have vocal cords. They make various sounds, with various intonations, for various purposes. I can understand her moods and her simple requests just thru the inflection in her voice.

I mean, I don’t believe it either that my cat can speak English but I reserve the possibility that she might be able to come up with some lucky strikes once in awhile.

Like babies can do. Sometimes they come up with entire words way before they can actually speak. Baby brains and cat brains are at about the same stage of development, it’s just that babies keep developing and cats don’t.

Besides there’s other forms of communication besides words. Cats have psychic abilities, like all animals. Humans are the only ones who have lost it. We have to pretend.

And why do we think animals can’t talk? Is it our superior stance of being above the ‘animals’? Actually we are an animal. According to the scientific classification system there are only 5 ‘kingdoms’ of life. You have to be either plant, animal, fungi, protist or monera. We’re clearly not plants - we have brains, we’re clearly not fungi - that’s mushrooms and pond scum, we’re clearly not protists - basically seaweed and we’re not monera - single celled microbes basically. We’re not that. We’re animals.

We’re animals but we have unusual traits. A spoken language with words and sentences. Stories even. Literature. We can idea-ate better than any of them other animals But after listening to my cat speak English words I have to re-think this whole language thing.

Microbes floating around in the ocean 3 billion years ago learned how to communicate. They used messenger molecules made from their own metabolism. It meant something to someone else when they received that message, accepted it into their receptor.

Yes, that’s how it works. Cells have receptors that accept (or reject) molecules from other cells. Could be good news that just sailed in on the sea of intercellular plasma somewhere in your body. That’s language. Microbe language. They still speak that language. In fact most of the communication going on in the world is microbial. They constitute most of the species on earth, hundreds of millions. They do it their own way.

There is no limit to communication is my point. Everything is communicating. Trees communicate with the sky by sending out organic chemicals that cause the water vapor to coalesce and the rain to fall. Trees also communicate with the fungi underground that connect them to other trees so the trees can talk to each other. It shouldn’t be so hard to imagine that my cat speaks in English words if trees can talk to each other.

Kybo smiling for the camera.

The ocean communicates with the fish. The fish communicate with each other. We talk to ourselves in our head. We cannot not communicate. Even not saying something says something.

I think we should open it up a bit. Whether or not Kybo actually speaks to me in English words or not, there is alot of nuanced and unnoticed communication going on.

We’re communicators. We vibrate with it. Like a flower sending out its pollinator scent, we invite it.

Besides I love my cat.


the podcast track is from the playlist below by Sariel Orenda - ‘Awake, Costa Rica ( Live Set )

”This set was recorded during a magical night in Uvita, Costa Rica at the beautiful Awake. This set was specifically selected for the Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio, which is a magical and deeply transformational time, which brings emotional relief and helps us release everything that no longer suits our path.” from the YouTube notes

from around 5:40


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the rohn report
the rohn report
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