the rohn report
the rohn report
report on the rohn
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -9:41

report on the rohn

So, this week’s rohn report is about Rohn. I’ve been thinking about him. I feel like he’s newsworthy. Atleast for 5 minutes.

My life has been guided by some deep underground current, I don’t know what it is. It swept me along and left me here.

That’s not to say I haven’t had moments of decision, I have, where my life could have gone one way or the other.

Oh my god, imagine if you were rich and famous because you made all the right decisions. People would want to stop and talk to you, try to stump you if they were politically inclined and who’s not at that level of society?

No, I’m just me, unadorned and unattached, moving freely in the current of time, finding my right depth and something to eat. A weird combination of a Baptist preacher and a rave poet. Like old Ezekiel in the wilderness, or was it Jeremiah, can’t remember, there were so many back then, Elijah that’s it. Elijah in the wilderness after his showdown with Jezebel. He knocked out her priests because they were worshipping the wrong gods. Knocked em off, burned em up and then took off for the hills knowing she would be coming after him. She was the Queen. Of half the nation anyways. Enough power to track down one dopey loudmouth prophet and cut his head off. Yeah. That’s me.

But mainly what it’s been like is waiting for something really good to happen and then realizing it’s already happening and then trying to figure out how to enjoy it. If that makes any sense.

Are there other people like that? I have heard no reports. Only my own. I hope it’s interesting or atleast entertaining

My friend Mary Ann did a post recently called Soul Renewal where she was just paddling her kayak downstream to downtown and meandering along and mentioning all her observances along the way. It wasn’t really about the eagle and the deer and the tree roots, though, it was about Mary Ann. That’s what I felt. She embraced the journey and the journey embraced her. It gave her what she needed at the moment which she may not have even known what it was.

Memories of my youth are like a faint smudge on the window of time. It happened, but I don’t remember it. There may be some mercy there. Slow and boring became normal. Little Rohn became assimilated, his youth assassinated. That much I can infer. I’m a good inferer.

Cast adrift, is how it seems to me now, turned loose in a way but still conscripted and scripted and drilled and tested. What is for a child, is what is. There’s really no way to compare it, you don’t know anything else. You don’t know that you’re rich or poor or fucked up or fucked over. As a child everything that is, is normal.

It’s only later that you start to notice things. What I notice is that my life has been incredibly tragic and incredibly blessed. Ample amounts of both. Amazing amounts of both. Hard to even appreciate amounts of both. So much amounts of both that I don’t even know how to write about it amounts of both. It’s been deep and swift like the river Ar in The Wizard of Earthsea, flowing down out of the snow covered mountains on the island of Gont, the place of wizards.

My youth was rife with crimes against humanity: public school grades 1-8 (resulting in my short little attention span), vacation Bible school twice a week during the summer (when I should have been swimming in a lake), an abusive older brother who stole my energy, distracted parents who thought raising kids was feeding and clothing them and seeing that they were educated and baptized, that was about it. Not that it was all that different from any other kid’s life back in 1950’s, small town, midwestern America. I’m not complaining,

Remember the scene with Frodo and the hobbits where they’re looking for Gandalf at the Prancing Pony, and the black horsemen are chasing them, and he’s not there. But Strider is. Remember that? Strider is empowered. He helps them because they are carrying a burden. They are carrying a heavy burden. They are carrying it for all of us. The ring of power.

Anyways they make it all the way to Mordor, two of the little hobbits do. Actually 3, Gollum was in there too at the end. They make it to Mordor and they are successful in their quest. Pffst! Flash! No more ring. Balance is restored.

It was a long road and a dangerous one. But that’s what heroes do. They restore the balance. All the myths say so.

music from 00:00 - 9:30
thank you Tomoko and Koku again for this amazing soundtrack


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