the rohn report
the rohn report
the cars and the pathway

the cars and the pathway


this guy pulls up in his black and
silver BMW / the headlights are narrowed
suspicious looking cunning aggressive / he paid
for that / the side view mirror folds in
when he turns it off / safety precaution

the trees form a border between heaven and earth
against a hazy morning sky
the broad street is paved with asphalt
a river flooded with cars

it’s a parade
all different kinds of cars
driven (no doubt) by all different kinds
of people thinking all different kinds of thoughts

i’m not a big fan of cars
i mean they’re probly better than horses
for getting around / you don’t have to hitch
up old nellie and hope she’s in a good mood
and then ride along behind her

but they’re so ubiquitous
it’s a car epidemic / how did we get
so strung out on cars ??
my mind is full of thoughts about cars

i was joking with the barista / told her
my name was bob / made contact with a
what are you reading i asked her / it was a
book about business communication
i told her
i’m a creative writer and gave her my card
if someone is reading a book in the cafe
i figure they’re fair game

the matcha latte was delightful / the empty
cup beautiful / the morning is
exhilarating / i can’t even feel the cold
air outside the window

some cars have signs on them vans really with
their business advertised / when i was
a kid i had a prophetic vision: that one
day cars would have pictures on them
it came true

me and my little brother
used to lie in bed at night and try to
guess what make and model of car
was about to drive by in the
street just by listening to the sound of it
that’s when the prophetic vision
came to me

the matcha latte hits
thoughts flood my mind

buses have murals on them
a truck goes by carrying portable toilets / the FEDEX
truck definitely has a sign / huge
purple and orange letters / an airplane flies
thru the sky / cars rush by / my we are
in a hurry

now i’m thinking
what if i wrote a real book ??
but what is a real book ?? one that people buy
and read / i don’t know if i can write
one of those

now i’m thinking
trees leave their skeleton
remains over winter / upside down roots
in the air

now i’m thinking
people walk / then they get in
their cars and drive / the cars do the walking
for them

now i’m done thinking
i’m gonna go ride my bike down broadway
and smell the restaurants / maybe stop at a
stop light / maybe stop and see raphael at district cafe

make my way along the sidewalk / amble down the
ancient pathway / it runs next to the river
from the springs to the downtown loop
where the thick forest grew

smooth jazz was the music they heard in the trees overhead
in the sky up above / in the rippling brook / the rocks and the sand

how pleasant it all is
now i’m staring out the window
at the passing cars
thinking of nothing

music :: 01:45:58 Alex Neri - Asia
01:12:39 Olivo Street - Sweet Carnival


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the rohn report
the rohn report
dissertations on almost anything about being human / contemporary and humorous observations / bulletins and notifications / tips and quips / sermons