Christmas started long, long ago. Well, with the birth of Jesus of course. Jolly old St. Nick bringing presents for the children and the adults celebrating with mistletoe and wreaths and Christmas trees is a more recent development. Originally it was a take-off on the Roman festival of Saturnalia, the winter solstice, and of course the solstice has been celebrated since forever, ever since humans noticed the darkest night and the sun return. That meant Spring was coming. It was a big deal.
ancient celebration of closeness
the longest night
the coming of light
people gather with their hostess
hoping for the mostest
too blessed to be stressed
watch the game
catch the fame
be informed
be alarmed
be charmed
It also means revival, renaissance, renewal, a new chance. That is a very big deal. Atleast I think so. As the sun is reborn, so can we be too. Why not? (start music)
We live in a world full of magic. Like the shamans and witches of old we can fly and transport our thoughts. We call it technology. The peace of Christmas is magic too. A simple and ancient magic. Silent night, holy night. All is calm, all is quiet. The tradition has survived in one form or another for thousands of years because we need that magic in the middle of the winter. And we love to celebrate. And pray.
stars and moon that cover our play
be not far away
be close
comfort us with peace
in the dark bring us light
bring us hope
until our hearts become a sky
full of lights and
sheltering close this time
this moment
this life
The Christmas lights are sparkling bright along the riverwalk tonight. I’m on my bike riding downtown. People in the river barges are singing carols. The kids don’t know what to think. Why is everybody singing?
(start music)Because it’s the Christmas season, kids - for a few days we sing and feel the spirit of the angels on high and joy to the world. There is the famous incident in World War I where the soldiers from both sides stopped killing each other, climbed out of their trenches and sang Christmas carols together. Maybe the words were different but the song was the same.
I ride along the river and thru the lights. They get brighter and thicker as I approach city center. The downtown celebration reminds me of when the Spurs won the championship, people out and about everywhere. Cars in the streets. Business is brisk.
This lady photobombed me sitting at the pub. She was feeling the Christmas spirit. The game is on, the beer is flowing. Cars are rolling by thumping with music, so loud that everybody can hear it.
Groups of people cluster at the street corners, wait for the light to change, move off in their little tribe. Follow the light. That’s what the magi of old did.
On my way home the lights thin out, become less glittery. One lone tree, though, stands at the edge of the parking lot. Someone has filled it with lights as if it were aflame. Its shape like a spire, like a tower, points to the sky. I think I hear the angels singing. It may be the bar nearby but I don’t care.
music for the podcast: Kyle McEvoy and Phillip G Anderson - ‘As With The Night Sky’
Picture by Josh Gordon
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