I want a mango tree. I commit to eating mangos naked in a bathtub. That isn't asking much and seems expansive to the mind/body experience.

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Thank you, very inspiring. I had never heard of Eduardo Galeano but will get his trilogy. And I love Merlin Sheldrake, of course. I read books by his father, Rupert Sheldrake, over 25 years ago, about morphic resonance. Check him out, very interesting work. I agree with you, we need a thought-revolution, a fundamental paradigm shift (in the sense of Thomas Kuhn's "Scientific Revolutions"). What I don't agree with: "Put human beings first". We do this already, and look where it got us. No, put ALL beings first. Or better: Be part of all beings, consider yourself but one amongst others. Whew, this got a bit long, sorry...

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There's a city full of wizards in Mexico? What do they do there? What do they know??

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