
in case anyone is wondering what the heck i'm talking about with this piece

it's like this https://elifshafak.substack.com/p/story-time-tree-time-and-human-time?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-half-post&r=8nhjg elif shafak is talking about something i've thought about often and written about / it's as if we'd had a conversation together although i've never spoken to her / complimentary ideas / parallel lines of communication / self disseminating concepts / like a virus infecting the whole human race / that's what i'm talking about

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Festive, aliveness. We don't have any such sort of celebrations here. Nice to hear about this. Your flowers are back! It is raining here and cool.

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you must have a spring festival / maybe bacchus days / hahaha

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